Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Please read this article that hit national news today:


This reminds me of my own experience. Except I didn't know the dumbf^c#s were cops and I also didn't crash.

Still, I wonder why the cops "gave chase" like they did in my scenario. It seems like flippin' the bird wouldn't warrant a car chase. Cops have too much time on their hands.

Also, a bird flip doesn't seem like it would warrant a verbal berating like I received. One of the two (!) cops that stopped me told me that I could be charged with a felony and that some judges looked upon road rage as "being as bad a murder". Seriously, that's what he said to me. My cops (probably just like the ones in the news story) were just very peeved that someone had given them a rude gesture, therefore they had to prove their merit and show how big their you-know-whats are.

I gave my cop a mouthful about how I was sick of being treated so poorly and how I was tired of not even being able to walk to the local mailbox by my workplace without being harassed or bothered. I was sick of this crummy neighborhood and the crummy lowlifes. I told the cop that I figured he and his buddy were just more of the sleazy residents cruising around ogling folks, being that they were in an unmarked beat up old Buick. Cop shut up, cop let me go. What a jerk off.

Now I secretly flip off every single cop I pass. I just do it discreetly under the dashboard cause no damn cop is work getting a stupid ticket and paying a fine (or doing time with murders, evidently). They're not worth my time.

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