Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not so great after all?

Thank God! I just read that the band Rocket that I posted about previously was voted off of that crapfest Next Great American band. It's a terrible show that puts bands on parade like the American Idols. It's atrocious. I tried to watch the first show to spot Rocket. It was heinous. It's another celebration of painful, middle-of-the-road drivel that so many people think of as being music. One mundane band after another, each trying to sound like some other "popular" band. It's a nightmare. Supposedly they are currently making all of the supposedly "orginal" bands play crappy cover songs each week. What the hell is the purpose in this? Who plays the most rockin' version of "Do You Know the Way to San Jose"?
I'm delighted that Rocket was voted off. They deserve a lot better than this tripe. Hopefully now they will not compromise musical integrity and will still play the same psuedo glam punk rock that I heard last March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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