Monday, June 9, 2008


(photo graciously taken from mySpace)

Oh yes, yes, yes. September is going to be a good month.

Mercury Rev releases their latest studio albums simultaneously on September 29th. One is available for download only. For more info, go to http://www.mercuryrev.net/ Looks like they are on a new label, too, so visit Yep Roc for info.
I love Mercury Rev so, so much. More than most things in this world. Of all the live shows I've seen in my life, they are one of the best. Oh, I love them so much! I hope they tour, I'll stalk them for as long as possible.

The albums are titled Snowflake Midnight and Strange Attractors. I think it's amusing that my husband used to be in a cheesy covers band called The Strange Attractors.

In other unrelated news, I have been having some very serious family issues. Because of these issues, I am thinking about making this a private blog and/or password protecting entries. If I change my blog address, I will contact my beloved favored bloggers with this information. Sorry to be so cryptic!

P.S. Visit Mercury Rev on mySpace where they have some lovely new promo photos. The second photo from the top (and the image I posted above, yes) shows Jonathan reading an old Playboy magazine. I have that cover framed at home! Good choice, sirs.

1 comment:

kim said...

Hope all is okay - we're always thinking of you. *hugs*