New Drago! New Drago!
A new movie co-starring Billy Drago hit DVD this past Tuesday. As with most Drago pictures, it skipped theatres entirely for a straight-to-DVD release (his movie tend to be horrible crap that would be unwatchable if it weren't for Drago's wildman performances). This one just so happens to be a vampire movie! It's titled Revamped and it appears to be about the usual vampire stuff. Man gets bit by vampire hottie and subsequently becomes a vampire, too. Then he gets chased by vampire hunters. It's probably a horrible piece of crud, but I can't wait to see it. It's number 1 on the Netflix queue, you betcha!
Billy Drago changes my life upon every viewing, and it has been a few weeks since I've had a nice substantial change in my life. Thank you Drago!!!
oh you guys and the drago....
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