Thursday, September 3, 2009

This time

tomorrow I'll be drinking in that lovely scent of fresh vinyl and hopefully holding hands with Terry Gilliam. Dragon Con is only a breath away now. Plus, more guest announcements! Brad Dourif is going to be there hocking a new movie! I adore Brad Dourif, even more so after recently watching his remarkable performance in John Huston's Wise Blood (easily now one of my favorite movies).

Also, there's a decent chance that I'll be on the cover of Veer Magazine (a local news rag that promote local entertainment and nightlife). That's a tad bit scary. No, it's actually terrifying. Yet I'm kind of excited and certainly very honored that I would be asked to do this.

I'm already working my way through Season 2 of Mad Men. I haven't watched movies which is bad cause the John Huston class begins on Sept 15.

My parents next door neighbor's kid is embroiled in a sex scandal with a local firefighter.

I hope to get Malcolm McDowell to at least pretend to spank me. That would be the best thing ever, I think. If so, I promise to post the picture here.

I'll be back after Dragon Con with updates and such! Oh, yes, and thanks to my work I now have a twitter so you can find me here if you do this thing. I won't be twittering from DragonCon cause I don't know how to do that from my phone. I actually think it's a bit ridiculous, but whatever.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Mad men very good nice dark under tow in that one and great design.

we need some scandal around her to stop the boredom.