Sunday, February 22, 2009


A distinguished older English gentleman attended the production of Henry V this afternoon. He addressed me as "m'lady" and I was rather impressed and flattered.

I also met this very cool young girl from New York who is putting together a documentary about the Acting Company, the group who performed Henry V here this weekend. Turns out this girl shot a documentary about the Dresden Dolls in 2005. The doc was never given proper release, but I'm getting more info and weblinks so we can sneak a peek at it!

Michael at Punchbuggy Blues was a great friend and hand delivered my lovely Kathie Olivas NYCC exclusives yesterday. He also informed me that she's slated to attend the Dragon Con in Atlanta in September. I looked it up and now am planning a Labor Day excursion to GA because it appears that I will have the opportunity to meet several of my favorite artists, including Olivas, Brandt Peters, Tara McPherson and Doktor A. I don't think that I can resist missing this opportunity, even if it's costly and crazy. So I owe Michael a big thanks for the toys as well as for the valuable info.

I had better stop buying toys and start saving money...so that I can buy toys in September.

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