I get e-mail updates from the lovely Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls. As some of you probably know, Amanda released solo record a couple of months ago called Who Killed Amanda Palmer? and its quite excellent. She's been releasing videos with startling regularity and the latest is for the song "Leeds United".
According to the e-mail that I received yesterday:
This video has a somewhat sordid backstory.
if you were at my london show, you already know this, because i mentioned it from the stagem but for the rest of you, hear ye.
the fine folks at roadrunner records wanted us to re-cut this video so that shots of my belly wouldn't be included. they basically told me that I looked too fat. i told them to fuck off.
the saga continues, but i'll fill you in later.
long live the belly.
Roadrunner Records thinks Amanda is too fat. I watched the video, incredulous because I've seen Amanda in person and she could be described as petite, I thought.
If this girl is fat then I must look like Jabba the Hut and that's terrifying. But she's not fat, it's just the music industry being their usual c@cksuc#ery selves. I'm delight that Amanda told them to "f^c# off" cause if it had been me I would have edited the video and never left my house again.
I'd boycott Roadrunner but they have been good to the Dresden Dolls and they also have DragonForce on their roster.
But geez, what is this world coming to?
i kept waiting for the big belly and never saw it.
i've seen ms. palmer live a few times and i think her figure is downright enviable.
That is insane. It was probably one of the reps at roadrunner that wants to get down her pants and she won't give him the time of day, so he's lashing out by telling her she's fat or something.
Wow, further proof of what is wrong in this country. How nice that my daughter will probably have to live through this too.
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