Monday, August 25, 2008


I am so old and decrepit.
Moria Chappell kicked my booty. She kicked a lot of booties this weekend. Her workshop was ridiculously tough and challenging. Still, despite my sore muscles and aching bones, I am indeed better off for it as I had predicted.

Moria (pictured above) is not only preternaturally gorgeous and talented, she's also has an incredibly pleasant, sweet disposition. We chatted and joked about our similar names, we talked about traveling the world and whatnot. She takes her profession very seriously and it shows in her flawless appearance and spectacular performance. Anyway, enough adjectives. She danced to Tom Waits at the recital and now she's my new best friend.

When I went to talk to her about Tom Waits, I found that she's new to his music. As a matter of fact, it was the crazy veil dancer Petite Jamilla that I worked with in D.C. who introduced Moria to the music of Tom Waits! Evidently there's more to Miss Jamilla than meets the eye. Anyway, it was fun being about to school Moria a bit after she spent all day schoolin' me.

The recital was nuts. I can't even begin to post about it for fear that someone might come across some unflattering stuff. My piece went fine, it was as smooth as could be expected from amateurs. I wasn't remotely nervous and I'm just a bit relieved that it's over. There were some great dancers, then there were some not-so great dancers. There were some young, pretty dancers, but there were a great many older dancers, too. Older and more experienced does not exactly equal better. Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn't. I can say with confidence that Saturday's recital was one of the most bizarre things I've witnessed in my lifetime. I can't wait to do it again!


Sam McDonald said...

I can't wait to get the unedited account of this experience. I expect it will be colorful.

Glad you had fun!

waltzingmathilda said...

That sounds so frikkin' cool. I abused myself at the gym for 2 hours today, but that sounds like a more enjoyable abuse.