Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Hollywood sucks

Dammit. Hollywood sucks, and hard. Evidently there's zero originality left in the industry so they keep remaking old or foreign stuff. The latest travesty is a reported remake of Korean director Park Chan-Wook's masterpiece Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. Also known as The Kind-Hearted Miss Geum-Ja, this film is stunning and about as near-perfect as one could hope for these days. I found the 2005 film to be slightly superior to Park's second feature, the incredible Oldboy, which won greater international acclaim but lacked the strange sweetness that carried Lady Vengeance. Anyway, Hollywood bastards want to remake it with Charlize Theron because evidently the original is not good enough for lazy Americans who don't like to read subtitles. GGRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree whole-heartedly. There is nothing I can perceive that would make the original any better. However, I must say that they probably picked the best actress for the job. In Monster, Charlize Theron played the perfect roughed up hooker. I can picture her doing well in the prison scenes, and I can already picture the look on her face during one of the final gorefest scenes. Although I'm also against the making of this film, I would probably want to see it to see how she handles the role.