Thursday, July 9, 2009


The day has arrived. Our flight to meet up with the tour leaves in about 2 hours. I should be excited but I'd rather just stay home. I'm exhausted. I worked Mon, Tues & part of Wednesday despite the fact that I was supposed to be on vacation all week.

The worst part is always leaving the dog. I have been crying for hours about this, and I'll probably cry off and on until I pick him up next week. At least he'll be with his grandmother & grandfather where he will be well looked after.

Oh well, what's done is done. Money has been exchanged and commitments have been made, so Transylvania, here we come. I promise updates regarding the trip upon my return.


waltzingmathilda said...

Enjoy-I am quite jealous.

waltzingmathilda said...

btw-saw this, thought of you