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(Caution, a few minor spoilers lie ahead as do a few expletives which are in order. I promised not to post expletives, but I couldn't help this, really I couldn't.) So last night I went and rented the movie Once. I kept reading all of these glowing reviews and some friends were waxing poetic about it. Although I liked the tone of the film and liked the documentary look, it was a bit boring and quite predictable. The indie films think they're being subversive by having the characters maintain unrequited love. Nope, it's getting old. I want the cheesy, sappy, super-happy ending with the girl and guy kissing and maybe getting a little, too. This one is built for the indie rock crowd who fall all over themselves and break their little black-rimmed glasses trying to get tickets for Death Cab for Cutie. It's not horrible, it's just lame. The music is lame and the setup is very unrealistic for a film trying to feel like a documentary. The characters are all pusses, too. No one has any balls whatsoever. This movie makes me think of one word, and that word is "twat". All the characters are twats, the songs are twatty and the movie is one big twatfest. I suppose my expectations were too high (I should know by now not to do that). Once has been dubbed a "rock musical" by numerous writers, this contains as much rock music as Brigadoon. It's a Twat Musical, that's what it is.
when i first read of this movie, i wanted to see it. then it played at the naro, and i quickly changed my mind.
Mimi, I have yet to see Once. David-Craig loves it. No surprise.
I just love that you referenced Brigadoon, and have a link to it on imdb. Awesome.
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